
Tuesday 26 November 2013

Tomb Raider Review

Game: Tomb Raider
Genre: Action Adventure
Age: PEGI 18+
Developer: Crystal Dynamics, Eidos Montreal
Publisher: Square Enix
Platform(s): PC, PS3, Xbox 360

This is Knights Gaming World review of Tomb Raider for Xbox 360. For anyone who does not know, this is a reboot of the Tomb Raider games. So lets start the review.
The gameplay of this game is fun. It has a lot to it and most of it is well made. I think the combat parts are well made and work well, they are not the best, but still for a Tomb Raider game, the combat is good in this one. Climbing up stuff is very well made, one of the best parts of the game and good thing to as you will be doing a lot of that. And the puzzles are good to. This games gameplay is all round well made really, besides one thing, and that is quick time events. The QTE parts are not bad, but is not the best and does feel kind of annoying sometimes when it takes you out of the game just to do a silly QTE when it would have been more fun to do that part in game.

The story of this game is very much the origins story of how she became the Lara Croft we know to date, so this does lose the will she survive this feel as we all know she will as there are games about her after this, unless this is in a new world but i don't ever remember hearing that so i think it is still in the same world as the rest of the games. But still, in this series reboot, you play as Lara Croft, who is stuck on an island after there ship got destroyed. And on this island she will have to learn how to survive. The story itself i think is good and you feel for Lara, cause of everything she has gone through in this game. In single player also there is some upgrades and for the most part is fun.
The graphics for this game are good, i like them a lot. Very well made all round.

The voice acting for Lara is really good, for everyone else is okay. The soundtrack is good to, fits really well i think. I also like the sounds of everything else too.
Right, I'm going to say this now, the multiplayer is really really bad and not well made at all, i can tell that it is an after thing that no one really did think much about and this game would have done better without it, it is something that if you have this game you should give it a go, but it is poor. The replay value of the single player on the other hand i think is good, there are a lot of collectibles and achievements / trophies you can get mid game or after game. you don't need to get any of them really, but it does add to the replay value. There are also secret tombs that are hidden all over the island, and they are some of the best parts of the game and these do feel like the true Tomb Raider parts and all of them are very well made with good puzzles.

GAMEPLAY  9.0 / 10
One of the best gameplays in a Tomb Raider game, still needs a bit of work in combat, and needs to do better or less quick time events. But this series really is on the right track
A very well made origins story to Lara Croft, Tomb Raider.
but the down side for this series reboot is that it is a origins story. But still overall good.
GRAPHICS  9.8 / 10
The graphics are good, one of the best in 2013.

Good voice acting for Lara Croft, with okay voice acting by everyone else. Good soundtrack that fits and sounds.
Bad multiplayer. Good replay value with collectibles, achievements / trophies, and secret tombs
Reason for the +0.3 is that it was such a fun game and i can't wait to see what the next Tomb Raider game brings.

Final Score 9.1 / 10
One of the best games of 2013.
Knights Gaming World will try to get Reviews out every Tuesday