
Tuesday 19 November 2013

Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition Review

Game: Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition
Genre: First / Third Person, Action Adventure 
Age: PEGI 7+
Developer: Mojang, 4J Studios
Publisher: Microsoft
Platform(s): Xbox 360


This review is for the Xbox 360 version of Minecraft. And
as a note, for the most part this will be reviewed as a Xbox 360 only game and not compared to the PC one or next gen. But saying that, i will compare it to the PC version at one point in this review for a good reason, so keep an eye out for that. So lets start the review.

The gameplay of this game is brilliant in it's own way. There really is not many games out there like this, you can do a lot of things in this game, like if you want to make a huge house, you can, if you want to make a city, you can, if you want to set it to hard and try to survive the night with just a wood sword, you can. But sad to say there are no vehicles in this game that work like vehicles, would have been nice to add them but this game does not really need it, it is just something that would have been nice. The combat is good, it is not perfect, same can be said for it's building side as everything is a box, but that is to make things easy so i can understand that, it is just everything will come out looking like a box if you are not that skilled and have an art mind. In the end there is not much really to say on gameplay besides it is really good fun, almost perfect really.

Well you can play this game in a way 100% single player, and it is fun, as long as you have an idea of what you want to do. But as in a story, i would say there is not one at all, only story i can think that is in this game is that you want to get to the end world, and if you set that as a goal, that can take a bit of time, but it really is not a story, just a goal, and that is what this game really is, it is not a story ( unless you make one up yourself ) it is about setting up goals and stuff to do, and that in itself is fun and you can spend over 100+ hours having fun doing this. Now onto the world size, the world size is good, only once i did say i wish this world size was bigger, but that was my bad for building something so close to the sides. so it is not a huge size world, but it  for sure works and you don't need a huge world, unless you want to build something that needs it.
Now this is a hard part to review, as well you can see it is not a AAA good looking graphics game. But i also got to say that this is still kind of a indie game really. And for an indie game it is okay looking. But this game has moments and like after a night or two of digging to find diamond, when you finally come out of the cave you dug, you may see an open land, when the box sun is rising, with a few trees here and there, and at that time you will think it is a beautiful looking game. And that is what makes this a hard part to review. So I'm going to say this, this game has graphics that do the job but are nothing special on the base of it, but for an indie box game, it is a good looking game and it really has them moments.

Now i got to say i do play this game with the music really low or off, as i do want to hear everything else around me, but saying that, i like the music in this game, it is really nice. The sounds of the world, animals, and bad guys are good, this is a good sounding game.

The multiplayer of this game is good fun, you can play up to 8 players online and you all can build something together or make up games to play, this could use a few more players, and odd to say maybe a matchmaking system of some kind, where the host sets the rules, as of right now, it is 100% a friends only thing and not everyone has loads of friends. The replay value itself is in you're own
ideas of what you want to do next, and again this can make it hard to review, as if you are someone who is not that creative, you won't play this game much or at all after the end is done, but if you are creative, the replay value is endless, and as this is my review, i have had loads of replay value and will still for a long time, i even can't wait to buy this on next gen. But talking about other platforms, lets compare something to PC, and that is texture packs and skins. Now on PC this is 100% free, but it is also made by the fans, i think, but on Xbox 360 it costs, and to get them all can cost a good bit, now some have been free and also all have a free side to them, but this is the thing, on PC, you buy the game, and that's it. On Xbox 360, you buy the game, and then if you want more you have to pay for it and to be true this bugs me a bit, but not to much as you don't have to get them and like i said all of them have a free side to them in a way, but it is just something that bugs me knowing that i paid for something and someone who has it on PC could have this thing for free, maybe even other better made versions.
GAMEPLAY  9.9 / 10
The ganeplay is almost perfect. The building, combat and everything is brilliant. I just wish there was more stuff that did add more gameplay things, but what we have right now is brilliant and well made.

Still can be good fun to play this game solo. Good world map size. But not having a story at all and having to set up you're own goals is a down note at this point of the review.

GRAPHICS  7.4 / 10
It is not a AAA graphics game. It is an indie box looking game that is, in it's own way a good looking game

I do like the soundtrack and sounds of this game, they are well made.
Brilliant multiplayer, with a few things they could add to make it better. Huge replay value if you have the right mind for making stuff. But a down note being the cost of texture packs and skins, but that is a small thing.
Reason for the +0.5 is just this is one of the best game i have ever played, it is just all round fun and if they ever did a Minecraft 2, i would buy it day one.

Final Score 9.2 / 10
One of the best games you will ever play.
Knights Gaming World will try to get Reviews out every Tuesday