
Tuesday 5 November 2013

Halo 4 Review

Game: Halo 4
Genre: FPS / First Person Shooter
Age: PEGI 16+
Developer: 343 Industries
Publisher: Microsoft Studios
Platform(s): Xbox 360

This is Knights Gaming World Review of Halo 4 on Xbox 360.
So let's start the Review
The gameplay as a shooter is good, it plays like Halo 3 but maybe a bit more faster. From Halo Reach you have armour abilities back, and there are new ones they did add, but some of them are pointless and it is rare to see anyone use them, and two of them are over powered and they are the ones everyone uses. Sprinting is now no longer an armour abilities and can be used at anytime, but having this in multiplayer makes the maps feel smaller as you can get from one side to the other in less time. The gameplay is good. They did add a new vehicle but took out more, and the one they did add is a mantis, it is like a walking mech, but i don't understand why they took out vehicles and only did add this one.

In this game you play once again John, Spartan 117 Master Chief, he is back with new armour and has a new enemy. Cortana also makes her return, and i got to say, on the story between Chief and Cortana out of all the Halo games to date, this is the best one by far, the fact is personal story of Cortana and Chief in this game is brilliant, but it is less about Cortana helping Chief and more of Chief helping Cortana. The main story itself starts four years after the events of Halo 3, the ship forward unto dawn drifts towards Requiem and on Requiem is a new, more powerful enemy waiting, I don't want to give to much away about the storry but i got to say is that i wish the main new enemy was in the game more, as he is very well made, but still the story is brilliant......But is it as good as Bungie's Halo story, and in a way, no, reason being is, i think the Flood was a better enemy, the single player itself never really had them replay missions that was just so much fun you had to replay it over and over again and easter eggs are nothing like what Bungie did. this is still
a good story / single player game, and i think it is one of the best Halo single player games, and i do like where the story is going.

The graphics are brilliant, Best looking game on xbox 360, the worlds are well made, Chief has never looked better, same goes for Cortana, the cutscenes are very well made and this is the best CGI in a video game i have seen to date. But there are a few odd bits with frame rate drops and stuff but it is still a good looking game.

The voice acting is brilliant by almost everyone in this game, the sound of the worlds and weapons are brilliant to, and the soundtrack in this game is one of the best soundtracks in video gaming, but again, is it as good as Bungie's Halo, again, no, now im going to say that the Halo 4 soundtrack fits this game well and is very well made, but Halo 3 had epic moments in songs that made for epic moments in game, Halo 4 lacks this, but not 100%, but it still lacks it in ways.
Well like i said about the single player / story never really had them replay missions like Halo 3 did and there is next to no reason to replay the story besides a few achievements. So that leaves multiplayer, there are two parts to this one being competitive and the other being spartan ops. Lets start with spartan ops, really good cgi, but as a gameplay side, you play as a team that takes no part in the cgi story reallys besides a few bits and the gameplay itself is just doing the same thing over and over again really and is really boring, this is the worse part of this game and wish it was not in it, i would have been more happy if they just left the cgi in as a weekly thing, and left out the gameplay side. Now with the competitive side, i do like the competitive side of this game, it does have game modes that are really good fun and some of the new things i like as well, like ordnance drops, i like the idea of them when you get to call down a random of one out of three things, but im not a huge fan of the armour abilities. But also there is one thing i have to point out as a in a way a huge down note, in my time playing this game i never felt that the gameplay was Halo, now it looks like Halo, and it has Halo stuff, and i do like how the gameplay is a bit more faster, but never once did it play like Halo 3, or even Halo Reach, i think the reason is that they put in so much, and took away so much, that it don't feel like Halo anymore, to be true i think if you took out the name halo, put in new skins and stuff like that, and did keep the gameplay and everything else the same, no one would  think this is Halo, so when it comes to the competitive side of Halo, Bungie did a better job there as well, but again like i said this is still good and fun, it just doesn't feel like Halo as much as other ones did.
GAMEPLAY  9.0 / 10
Gameplay is really good fun, but i think they should have left armour abilities behind, and add more vehicles then take out, but still, good gameplay.

A brilliant story that i can't wait to see what happens next, yes there are down notes and bungie did a few things better, but this is still brilliant.
GRAPHICS  9.7 / 10
One of the best looking games on xbox, with a few odd bits with frame rate drops and stuff, but that CGI is just so brilliant.

brilliant voice acting, sounds, and soundtrack, just not as good of a soundtrack as Halo 3, but still good.

not much replay value in single player besides achievements. Spartan ops is awful and boring. And competitive is good and fun, but needs to be more Halo.

Reason for +0.3 is that this really is a good game, and i had fun with the single player, and i can't wait for the next halo game.
Final Score 9.2 / 10
A brilliant Xbox 360 game, it is just 343 needs to remember what Halo is and what made Halo so great
Knights Gaming World will try to get Reviews out every Tuesday