
Tuesday 3 September 2013

Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Blacklist Review

Game: Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Blacklist
Genre: Action
Developer: Ubisoft Toronto
Publisher: Ubisoft
Platform(s): PC, Xbox 360, PS3, Wii U

Ok so for the people who don't know how Knights Gaming World reviews work, here is the run down. i will talk about then review 5 parts of the game and will rate each part out of 10, then add it all together and that will be the final score, but i also can add up to 0.5 or take away up to 0.5. Also Knights Gaming World will try to get Reviews out every Tuesday
 This is Knights Gaming World review of Splinter Cell Blacklist. This review was done on the Xbox 360 platform. so lets get on with the review.

The gameplay of Splinter Cell Blacklist is pretty much the same as the last few, but this time aiming more at the stealth, in single player you can stealth around, taking out everyone without anyone else knowing, or go loud using the firepower to take them all out, but the point of this game is to use stealth. but one thing that hurts gameplay is that A / X does everything almost, like open doors, turn on / off lights, windows, jumping up things, just to many things and when you put all this stuff close to each other, you are just asking for a mess and hate when you do this. also the default controls are very poor for FPS parts but you can change them to CoD like controls and in multiplayer you can have it as spies have there own controls and mercs have there own controls, but this doesn't carry over to single player, but lets talk about that part in the single player / story part. There are upgrades for both single player and multiplayer, and i like this, and money from single player can be spent on multiplayer stuff and vice versa.

In single player you play as Sam most in this game, Sam is now commander of 4th Echelon, the main base of 4th Echelon is on a plane called Paladin, this plays as like a main menu, you can walk around talking to you're team as well as start missions and multiplayer. The story is good here, and is well made, you will be trying to track down the Engineers and stop the blacklist, but i got to talk about one mission, mission 8, now i won't give to much away, but there is a FPS part in that mission and that was just awful, and some reason Sam would not go into some covers and just stick out or stand there, and i knew it was cover as i did use it before, this really did bug me but i never had this on any other mission, well not as bad as it was on that mission but maybe it was just a bug they need to look into.
The graphics, yeah they are sure graphics, but they are one of the worse graphics i have seen in a game that has come out this year, the characters just look awful, if this was the start of this gen i could understand this, but we are at the end of this gen, they should look way better then this. but the maps you play in and the lighting are not to bad, they look better and they have put a bit more work into them then the characters.
Now lets talk about Sam's voice actor, he is not the best, but he is good i like him, I'm happy with him and i think maybe another game in or two, he will fit right in and be the Sam voice we like, yes he does not sound as old as Sam looks, but again i think he can only get better at voicing him. the weapons sounds i like, they are not the best but they do the job. and the soundtrack is good.

The single player replay value is only in playing in different ways and maybe getting all the collectibles. but they are super easy to get and most the high value targets seems to always be along the path you take, and with a Paladin upgrade, you can see where they all are from miles away. Now the multiplayer is co op and spies vs mercs, in co op one player is Sam and the other is Briggs, most of the co op missions can be played alone but they are much more fun with a friend and i had fun playing them, and messing things up ha ha. but everyone will want to play the legendary spies vs mercs, but is this something they should have left for us all to remember being legendary or is this return of the legend in all it's glory, well i got to say it is not 100% the same as we remember, the spies now have guns, the mercs don't have a flashlight anymore outside of classic mode, what is bad as this game is really dark, and the spies can't grab you from behind anymore, now they just run up to you and if they get close, you are no more and if they jump on you're head, you are again no more, i do miss the days when the spies had to really work as a team to just take out one merc, but i also like this new way as you can now solo as a spy and take everyone out if you are skilled.  both sides have over powered gear and should not be in the game to me, like sticky camera for spies can now blow up like a grenade and the mercs have a drone what can fly anywhere almost and also blow up like a grenade, both things can make playing the other side boring, also active camo for the spies is odd to have in this game to me, as it seems to be the odd one out in my mind, like it should not be in this game at all, the spies should not need anymore help to be hidden, they should use the darkness alone, not the darkness as well as active camo. also i feel like this game has lag or something cause you are never where you think you are, like i could run behind cover but to someone else i could still be running to it, it is like it is a bit behind, but this could just be me but my friend said he had the same so it is odd. Now it is not all bad, i like the new game mode team death match, i have fun playing that as you can be spies and mercs on one team. but even there, there was a few bugs they need to fix and it can feel a bit unbalanced. i feel spies vs mercs is unfinished.


GAMEPLAY  9.1 / 10
The gameplay is fun, i liked the stealth. yes it does have it's gameplay down notes but in the end this is one of the best Splinter Cells gameplay to date and you can change control layout for the FPS parts.
I Liked the story, but i do think splinter cell conviction story was better as in Sam's Story, but the overall story i think Blacklist is better. but that one mission was so bad, but it was only one in many so that was good.
GRAPHICS  5.0 / 10
Ok the lighting and maps look ok but the characters just look awful and i can't forgive that, it's not like this is an indie game with an indie game budget.
Sam's voice actor is not bad, he just needs to come into his own . and the sounds and soundtrack do the job well.
in the end it is all about spies vs mercs, and to be true it is not what it once was, i have had fun playing it, but nothing like i did playing the pandora tomorrow and chaos theory ones, but also saying that the new team death match is super fun when you have spies and mercs working together, and there is no other multiplayer game out there that plays like this, i will still continue to play this mode long after this review, but spies vs mercs feels unfinished and there is just a few things they need to fix, and i hope they do fix them things in the next game.
reason for +0.2 is that i had fun playing this in single player and in spies vs mercs, and like i said i will still continue to play this long after this review, but if only they put more work into spies vs mercs, as that is the mode everyone will stay for.

Final Score  7.9 / 10