
Tuesday 10 September 2013

The Last Of Us Review

Game: The Last of Us
Genre: Action
Developer: Naughty Dog
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Platform(s): PS3

Ok so for the people who don't know how Knights Gaming World reviews work, here is the run down. i will talk about then review 5 parts of the game and will rate each part out of 10, then add it all together and that will be the final score, but i also can add up to 0.5 or take away up to 0.5. Also Knights Gaming World will try to get Reviews out every Tuesday

This is Knights Gaming World review of The Last Of Us. The Last Of Us is a PS3 only game made by Naughty Dog, most of this game takes place 20 years after the start of the infection. so lets get on with the review.

The gameplay is very much a cover based shooter with stealth and making items to survive. the gameplay is a fun one, you can shoot all the bad guys but bullets are not as common as they are in other shooters, so you can end up with no ammo fast and there maybe parts where you mess up and ammo is the only thing that could save yourself, you can melee and melee fighting in this game is very well done but, you can lose here easy online fighting another player and in single player you can still get hurt doing this. stealth is another way, taking out bad the guys quietly or going pass them, but i never really could get stealth to work 100%, i always had to restart it a few times to get it to work but i really think that is cause I'm bad at stealth. Also holding down R2 makes the player listen carefully to there surroundings, and you can hear other people talking or walking, doing this will help you know where they are.
in single player, you play as Joel for most of the game. the story of Last Of Us is a brilliant one and i don't want to give to much away, but the main point is for Joel to get Ellie from A to B, along the way you will meet other people and they are very well made, the gameplay is very much the same here as it is in multiplayer, what is good. it took me about 18 and a half  hours to finish, and i got to say them hours was well spent, the single player and story is so well made, i can't see someone hating this. i have seen people buying a PS3 just to play the single player of this game, it is that good. but one thing i don't like is how upgrades are collectibles, like you will need to find tools to upgrade you're weapons, and to upgrade Joel you will need to find supplements, and looking around finding things like ammo and items to make stuff is what you should do to survive, but there are only like 5 tools in the game and if you miss one, you can't max out you're weapons.
The graphics here are good, but there are parts of the game where you just look all around you and just look at the world, them parts are beautiful, this game is very well made with the graphics but there was a few loading texture issues and a few graphic bugs now and again, but they are nothing so bad that it will stop you playing.

The voice acting is brilliant and so is the music, the music fit so well and is played at the right times.
The replay value in single player is very much just new game + but besides the collectibles, what you should look for half of them in you're first playthrough for upgrades, i can't see a reason to do that, besides just replaying the brilliant story. The trophies in this game are nothing, no one cares for them in this game as they are not well made. the multiplayer here plays like single player, what is good. i have had tons of fun playing multiplayer, and it does have it's own reason to play as when you play you get survivors, and on how good you do in games, you will get food and more survivors, and now and again you will get missions to do things in the next few games you play, but this feels under worked and there are only 3 game modes, i would like to have seen maybe a infected game mode, where you can play as a infected one or maybe even a horde mode to play with friends. there is a lot they could have done here, but you can tell they put all there time into single player and it's story and i can understand that and they said there is multiplayer DLC coming out, hope it brings new game modes.

GAMEPLAY   10 / 10
The gameplay for this game is good, i can't think of a problem i have had that was down to gameplay besides me being bad at stealth, and besides a few set moments in single player, you really can play this game anyway you want.

Everyone who has this game i bet got it for the single player and story, and this is a really good single player game. this part is the main point of the game and it takes about 18 hours to finish, and yes there are a few parts that i dislike, so it is not perfect, but it is close.

GRAPHICS  9.8 / 10
The graphics are good, but not the best, but only just by a bit. i would have liked to seen this game on next gen, as this is the year of a new gen.

Nothing else really to say here but brilliant and perfect.

If you want to 100% with collectibles and trophies, you can spend a lot of time here. but with multiplayer only having 3 game modes, and that 2 trophies are part of multiplayer, and them trophies do take a bit of time to get, i can't see anyone playing them 3 game modes for a long time.
Reason for giving the +0.1 is that this is one of the best games you will play this gen,  but i can't give it anymore points as it already got such a high score and making it the score it is at now i think is right for this game.

Final Score  9.8
This is a must play game before you go next gen