
Tuesday 24 September 2013

Grand Theft Auto V Review

Game: Grand Theft Auto V / 5
Genre: Third-Person,  Action Adventure 
Age: PEGI 18+
Developer: Rockstar North
Publisher: Rockstar Games
Platform(s): PlayStation 3, Xbox 360

This is Knights Gaming World review of Grand Theft Auto V. I do want to point out that, when people say this game is a 18+ game, they really mean it is 18+ and only people over the age of 18 are allowed to play this video game.  This review was done on the Xbox 360 platform. so lets get on with the review.

As a note, this is a Review of the Single Player part of GTA V, as GTA Online is not out yet, and cause of that GTA Online will get it's own Review when it is out.
The gameplay is very rich in this game, and by that i mean there is so much to do in this game besides you know the main GTA stuff, like the top two things to point out are tennis and golf, as these two are so well made that they could almost be there own games. The action parts of the game have been worked at and this is i think the best GTA gameplay to date. The driving is not bad, some people i know hate the driving in this game but i don't think it is to bad, yeah it can be odd and maybe you will spin out now and again, but you learn how to drive in this game in time. now for the down notes, i hate aiming in this game, you have a white dot, and that dot can blend in and a few  times i did not know where i was aiming and failed cause of this. This game also has a lot of pop in, i know this is a graphics thing but i had it where i was driving once and a pole did pop in and when i hit it, it did stop me as it is one of them i will not move poles, but we will talk more about that in the graphics part. Also another thing i had to point out is that switching between the 3 characters when they are far apart takes to long, i understand why it takes so long as it needs to render all the stuff around them and stuff but still, takes way to long and i find myself thinking do i really need to be that character at this time for anything that i can't do with this character i am now, i did think lets time that and after timing how long it can take to load, i found out it can take up to 14 to 25 seconds to switch characters. Each character also has a special ability of there own, this adds loads of fun to GTA.
The story of this game is good, i liked it, the 3 characters idea worked well and I'm happy they did go for that, and i think the start of the game is good as well, best start to a GTA i think. The story itself is a good one, But the best part of this game to me is the heists, only thing i dislike about the heists is that there are not many of them and i feel so let down by the fact that you can't make you're own ones up, like i mean you can't just see a place and make a heist up to do with that place you see, well by what i know of, if you can i don't know how to do it, but heists seem to be a set thing in the story and i liked that you can pick how the heist will play out, and you can replay any mission in the story and there are medals in the missions in this game and you can aim to get gold medals, but you need to complete the mission to find out how to get the gold medals and i guess they did this as some of them would be spoilers. Also the time it took me to complete the main story with a few side things done, took me just over 25 hours, but i did continue playing this and at the time of the review i have played for 32+ hours and will most likely still play for a few more hours after this review. But back to the missions for a second, i think they are brilliant cause of the character switch, but i feel like they should have used it more as it was just so brilliant, and i think they will in the next GTA, i hope.
Now this is an odd one, this games graphics are not the best i have seen and in some places i found it to be low res, but when you think of how it is a huge brilliant open world, i can understand that in a way, but the pop in's are not good, they seem to be small things most of the times but once i had a full building pop in out of no where. This is a pretty looking game when you think about it, but i think rockstar games did push the Xbox 360 and PS3 to far and i don't think the consoles can handle GTA V, unlike what next gen and a PC could.

The voice acting is brilliant, most with the 3 main characters, and the soundtrack is very well made, like all GTA games.
Now as GTA Online is not out, i can't review the multiplayer part of this game, but like i said at the top, that will get it's own review. so, replay value, you can replay every story mission to get gold, there are loads of collectibles and loads of side things to do. But i wish the online was out right now, cause when i read about GTA Online it looks like rockstar games have put most there work into that, as it just looks like there is more stuff to do but, it is not out so i can't be 100% sure about that.
GAMEPLAY  9.3 / 10
The gameplay is good, but it is not without problems, but the gameplay is still good and this is a very well made part of the game, just has a few things they need to fix.
One of the best story's yet to be in a GTA game with a brilliant new twist with the new 3 characters idea that works very well, just wish they let you make you're own heists and not set ones for set places.
GRAPHICS  8.5 / 10
In the end thinking about it, it has good graphics, with pop in problems and is let down most likely by the hardware.

Brilliant voice acting and soundtrack, nothing more needs to be said really.

loads of stuff to do that adds so much replay value, just wish GTA Online was out now.

Reason for being +0.2 is that this was fun to play, and i will still continue to play this game long after this review. but can't give anymore + to the score as it already has such a high score.

Final Score  9.6 / 10
Rockstar has been kings of the open world games with GTA for sometime, and i think Rockstar has just showed why they are still the kings of the open world games, with this game.

Knights Gaming World will try to get Reviews out every Tuesday