
Monday 30 September 2013

PlayStation 4 Controller Preview

Knights Gaming World was at Eurogamer Expo and I got to play a few games there, one of them was using the PlayStation 4 controller.

The PS4 controller you can tell right off that it was made with FPS games in mind, and this is a welcome from the PS3 controller what was not the best for FPS games.
I only got to use the PS4 controller for only like 10 minutes and that was not a lot of time to get used to it, but with the time I had I did get better with it and it is something you will get used to after a bit of time, but it still did not beat the Xbox 360 controller, but I do think maybe if it is a controller I use everyday that I may end up liking it more then the Xbox 360 controller. 
but there is a thing I worry about, the analog sticks, when I used them in Killzone: Shadow Fall and did try aiming and trying to move my aim just a bit to the right, I found myself having to move the stick more to the right then I did think I had to, this did end up messing me up cause of this I did just push the right stick all the way to the right and that did end up failing, so they may need to work on that or maybe these where Beta controllers and this is something they have already fixed for the retail ones, but this is for sure something I will look at when I get a PS4.
The rest of the buttons work fine and I liked them, I do like the triggers and I think they do work.
The touchpad I never got to use, as the game did not use it I think, if it did no one said it to us, but I did look at it and it does look nice, I just would like to have used it in a gameplay way.
In the end it is a huge jump forward for the PlayStation and if the touchpad works, I think this would be a jump forward for gaming as a hole as the controller does matter for console gaming as if you have a bad controller, it will make the gameplay bad.