
Monday 30 September 2013

Titanfall Preview

Knights Gaming World was at Eurogamer Expo and I got to play a few games there, one of them being, Titanfall.

After waiting in a line for about 2 to 2 and a half hours, just to play the game Titanfall, I will say it was for sure worth the wait.
I'm going to say this game has been getting a lot, and I mean a lot of hype from other sites who have said it will be game of the year next year and it is a must play and so on, so I did go into playing this game thinking they was all wrong and stuff, turns out I was wrong and if you ever do go to a place where you can play this, no matter how long the line is for this, this is for sure worth playing.
I'm going to talk about parts of the game and to make it easy I will do it kind of like our reviews, but cut down and without scores.
The mode was Multiplayer ( as this game is multiplayer only anyway ) and it was a 6v6 but with a kind of story to it but it was a team deathmatch. 
This game is made by the people who did bring you the Call of Duty MW games so you know the FPS part of this game is good, and it is.
I will say the Titans are not really over powered, i was jumping on the back of them easy and taking them out easy, but the anti-Titan gun i had was not as good at taken them down as jumping on the back of them was, but also saying that, the anti-titan weapons are not weapons to be used solo as there should be a team of people using them to take down a Titan, so i was happy to see Titans are not over powered.
But now onto driving a titan, the way this works is you have a timer that times down, and when it hits 0, you get to call in a titan, but also you can make the timer go down faster, with every kill you get that cuts a bit of time off the timer, making you getting you're titan that much faster, but the titans are very well made and they do make you feel awesome.
I was hoping to use the Xbox One controller to find out how the gameplay would be with that, but we played with a Xbox 360 controller and guessing by the Graphics, it was on PC.
The graphics are good, it is a very beautiful looking game and it is a first year next gen game, maybe not the best game i have ever seen in graphics, but it is sure in the top part of best graphics i have seen.
But i have a worry, i worry for how this will look on Xbox 360, yes it looks very beautiful on PC and Xbox One, but i have yet to see this on Xbox 360 and i worry what it may look like.

The sounds in this game are brilliant, very well made, the guns to me sound brilliant and the titans also sound brilliant, it may just have been the headsets we was using but this is a good sounding game, i did not really listen out for any music, sorry for that.
Well overall it was a brilliant game to play, best game i played at Eurogamer Expo, it was very well done and i will say the staff there was brilliant.
I can now understand why this game has been getting so much hype and good things said about it, it really is that brilliant, and if this was not on my must buy list before, it is for sure now on that list.