
Monday 30 September 2013

Killzone: Shadow Fall Preview

Knights Gaming World was at Eurogamer Expo and I got to play a few games there, one of them being, Killzone: Shadow Fall.
Well to start, just getting to play this game was a bit of a long waiting line pain, as you had to wait in line to get into the PlayStation part ( PlayStation 4 looks awesome by the way ), then you had to wait to get into the 18+ part of the  PlayStation part, THEN you had to wait in line behind one of the screens, behind people and that part was a mess as it was just people here there and everywhere, and that is not all, they had to reset all the Killzone: SF games on the PS4 as the games was having a few problems running all day long.
But that last part don't hold onto that cause this is not a finished game and this is most likely a older model of the game meaning it maybe a beta or even a alpha model of the game.
But after all that I got to play the game with a PS4 controller ( the PS4 controller will have it's own write up ).
I'm going to talk about parts of the game and to make it easy I will do it kind of like our reviews, but cut down and without scores.
Well I played Multiplayer and it was like a objective game mode, it was a fun game mode and I liked how this mode worked, I can see myself playing this mode when the full game is out.
I did feel like this game did not have aim assist, and I won't lie I did just look this up and this game does not have aim assist going by other sites, I am ok with this as I do like the idea of games without aim assist as it is more of a PC feel and means you need to have more skill, but not knowing it did not have aim assist and using a new controller that I have never had used before this very moment, it did take a bit of time to get used to, and I won't lie, I could tell almost everyone else that was in my game was the same.
The game itself plays very well, I have only played one Killzone game before this one so I was not sure if I was going to like this game, but I got to say I had fun and the FPS part of this game is very well made, I really do think Sony has at last a FPS it should be happy to call it's exclusive FPS game.
Now I don't want to talk to much about the PS4 controller as that has it's own page, but the controller did still play a part in this game so I will talk about a bit of it as how it was to gameplay, the PS4 controller is way better then the PS3 controller, but is it better then the Xbox 360 controller, to me right now no, but I will also say I think it is something you will get used to and I think after a bit of time, I may end up liking the PS4 controller more, maybe, but the controller is good for FPS games and it did show here, but I got to say I'm not sure about the analog sticks, they did not seem to move that well and easy, like I had to move them a bit more then I did think I had to to make my guy move a small bit, but I'm not sure if this is cause again it may still be a beta thing.
The graphics in this game are amazing, it is a beautiful looking game with I would say a few odd parts, but this really is next gen looking game, and if games at the start of next gen look this good, I can't wait to see what a few years into next gen gives us.
Now the main thing to talk about is the beep, there is a beep sound when you take someone down, and I got to say I could not really hear it, it is not something you really notice, but I would also say that I did not have a headset on, as there was no headsets to put on there, a very bad thing I would say so it did make it a bit hard to hear overall but going by what I could hear, I did not notice that beep sound.
The gun sounds are ok, and so are the world sounds, again did not hear or notice any music.
but with no headset and also hearing load more TV's making sound it does make this part hard.
In the end this really is a brilliant game and I did have fun playing this game, but the game was just let down by the PlayStation set up and the way that worked, it was just awful and made things harder to hear and play.
But the game itself of what I played was good and they are trying something new with the no aim assist on consoles, this is also another game I will be getting.