
Tuesday 1 October 2013

Dishonored Review

Game: Dishonored
Genre: Action, Adventure
Age: PEGI 18+
Developer: Arkane Studios
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Platform(s): PC, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3

This is Knights Gaming World review of Dishonored. This review was done on the PC platform. so lets get on with the review.

This game is played in First Person, you can use a sword and do sword fights, a Pistol or Crossbow at long range, or powers for everything else. there are a few ways you can play this game, you can play it stealth, or just go out mad just taking out everything you see with powers and weapons, this gameplay is very well made and is a lot of fun, i played a stealth gameplay and i did have to restart from last save now and again, but not as many times as i did think i would have to. The gameplay of this game if you play it right can make you feel awesome, meaning that if you use you're powers right and take out the right people at the right time, you will feel like you are a pro.

In single player, you play as Corvo, in a world that has a really bad rat plague happening, at the start of the game the Empress is assassinated, and the next in line is taken,  you're main goal is to avenge empress death by taking out key targets and rescuing the next in line to be empress. there are like i said a few ways to play this, but that will effect the world around you, as well as the ending, the more people you kill in this game, the more rats there will be, making the rat plague even worse in the world as well as giving you the bad ending, or you can not kill anyone in this game and find other ways to get rid of you're targets. there are also collectibles in this game, that you need to find to upgrade you're powers and to help you with boosts, like i said in my past reviews, i don't like it when game makers do this, but in this game they give you something that shows you where they all are and this is given to you almost at the start, all you need to do is work out how to get to where it is and i like this a lot more.
The graphics are not bad, I'm not a fan of this kind of graphics but this is a good looking graphics game for these kind of graphics. but i had a few frame rate issues, but nothing to bad.
The voice acting works, only some of it was not well done or bad but most of it works. to be true the soundtrack i never did feel was there, and in some places it did feel out of place, as it was playing like what sounds like combat music or when someone has seen you kind of sound when i was going up some stairs or when i did open a door, but there was nothing around me for this, maybe them stairs was a bad guy after all.

There is no multiplayer in this game, what is sad i think i would of had loads of fun with co-op, even maybe a competitive side but i think that would not have been the best and that may have taken away from the single player. so i would say the replay value is in getting the other ending by playing the game completely different, also getting 100% on all the collectibles, doing all the side missions, and getting all the achievements / trophies. The achievements / trophies in this game are not bad, you have to work for some of them so they can be fun.


GAMEPLAY  10 / 10
The gameplay of this game is really good fun, i can't think of anything they could do to make it better, and in the end, the gameplay is all about having fun.

The story may not have been the best and the ending is a bit of a let down, but a lot of the characters are well made and it was fun to play.
GRAPHICS 7.6 / 10
Yeah they are not bad, but again they are not what i like, but they still are good for what they are.
The voice acting does the job and is good with just a few ok places. But the soundtrack is not all that good and did play at odd times.
There could have been some kind of online for this game but there is not, but there is still a lot you can do in this game and knowing that you can replay this game in a completely different way, gives it i would say good replay value.
The reason for the +0.3 is that i had fun playing this, there are not many games like this out there and i would say everyone should give this game a go.
Final Score 8.7 / 10
A really good game and not many games like this out there.

Knights Gaming World will try to get Reviews out every Tuesday