
Tuesday 15 October 2013

Bioshock Infinite Review

Game: BioShock Infinite
Genre: FPS /  First Person Shooter
Age: PEGI 18+
Developer: Irrational Games
Publisher: 2K Games
Platform(s): Xbox 360, PS3, PC

This is Knights Gaming World review of BioShock Infinite. This review was done on the PC platform. Right i got to say something, i played The Last of Us before this game, unlike most people who has played this game first, and all my friends who has played this game has said this is the best game of the year, so try to remember that when reading this review.
The gameplay of BioShock Infinite is very much the same as any other shooter, but this has it's own things, such as Vigors, what are power like things that you use to say cast fire, make an enemy a team mate for a few seconds, even to make enemy float in the air and so on, they have been in BioShock since the first one and im happy they are still in the game. another one is Elizabeth, now i won't go into to much detail but she can be very helpful in combat, as she has her own power where she can make cover, hooks for you to jump to, and give you ammo and heath packs in combat, she does not help at all as in fighting in combat in that way you are all alone. but as a FPS game, i do feel like this game is not the best out there, as i have played other FPS games that does do this better but saying that this does a lot more other things that other FPS games don't do better or at all.
Now this is a single player only game, and in single player you play as Booker DeWitt. The main point of the story is to help Elizabeth, when you start the game you are told to bring her to new york to pay off the debt, and of course everything just goes bad and odd for Booker and Elizabeth. now just like BioShock 1, this does have a twist and i got to say i only saw part of it coming, the rest i did not, and i like when i don't see a twist coming, but i got to say the parts i did not see coming i did think was a bit odd, i won't say why i think that as it will just be spoilers, but i will say i think that cause BioShock 1 twist was just brilliant, that they did think they had to do better then that and in doing so i think they did just go over the top and make a bit of a mess of it, but it was again something i did not see 100% coming and it was not the worse twist in a game i have seen to date, i have seen much worse twist in video games and this is by far not a bad twist, just a odd one. You can also upgrade, and upgrades to the weapons and vigors are by in game cash, and i like that, but what i don't like is how you upgrade yourself, these are called Infusion, and they are classed as really collectibles, what mean they are only a set number of them and you have to go out you're way and look for them, this does bug me but more and more games seem to do this and i guess it is something i have to start liking, but i do think it is stupid. Another thing about this game has is that choices don't matter in this, not really, they may do a small thing but nothing that makes the story or gameplay different, and i do like that, as you do over think the choices at the time, but sooner or later you do work out it means nothing, but that does mean it adds no replay value in the way of seeing different outcomes as they are all really pointless small things.
Now im not a fan of the art of the graphics, but they are pretty graphics and again more and more games are going for these kind of graphics. I played this on PC so the graphics was good, but PC does have something where things in the background sometimes will go odd, but i only had this once so it was nothing really.
The voice acting of Booker and Elizabeth is very well done i think, but some of the other random people you talk to don't seem to have the high quality of them two but you can skip them and not talk to everyone in the game like i did. the soundtrack was good, the parts of walking around and stuff and music is good and in combat and fits very well, the soundtrack fits overall.

There is no multiplayer at all in this game, BioShock 2 had multiplayer and i played that, it was nothing special. There is next to nothing as a replay value in the story as there are no different outcome to choices, there are a few small things that you can replay but i don't see why someone would. There are collectibles and there are a lot of them, the best collectibles in this besides the upgrade ones are Voxophones, what are things that have play backs and kind of help with the story but are not needed for the story. Overall, i did complete this game in just over 14 hours, with most the collectibles gotten, and besides going back to get the rest, i will never replay this game again, well maybe for DLC.
GAMEPLAY  8.0 / 10
The gameplay of this game is good, besides the not being the best FPS side of it, this game is fun with it's powers and having Elizabeth helping is good, it is just sad as in combat, the FPS side of things is what you will be doing most.
The story in a hole was ok, and Booker and Elizabeth are very well made characters and i will miss them, but this story does have it down notes and i do think BioShock 1 had a better story.
GRAPHICS  9.0 / 10
Besides a few things, this game on PC has good graphics, and i think this art type i am starting to like, most when games like this do it so well.
Good  voice acting for Booker and Elizabeth with a few odd bits from others and a well made soundtrack that fits.
Next to no reason really to replay this game besides the collectibles, i think they could have done something else in this game to give it replay value.

Reason for +0.2 is that i did have fun playing this and i can't wait for the next story DLC.

Final Score  8.1 / 10
A good game that you maybe should try, but it does not live up to the hype everyone has set for it.
Knights Gaming World will try to get Reviews out every Tuesday