
Tuesday 27 August 2013

Spec Ops: The Line Review

Game: Spec Ops: The Line
Genre: Action, Adventure
Developer: Yager
Publisher: 2K Games
Platform(s): PC, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3

Ok so for the people who don't know how Knights Gaming World reviews work, here is the run down. i will talk about then review 5 parts of the game and will rate each part out of 10, then add it all together and that will be the final score, but i also can add up to 0.5 or take away up to 0.5. Also Knights Gaming World will try to get Reviews out every Tuesday

This is Knights Gaming World review of Spec Ops: The Line. This review was done on the PS3 platform. so lets get on with the review.

The game play is very much the same as most other cover based third-person shooters, but this one has sand, and there are sand storms and sand places that can be made to fall onto you're enemies. but a down note is the going into cover and sprinting, so many time my guy died cause of me running away using sprint cause sprinting is also what puts you into cover, so you can see how this can sometimes mess you up.
In single player, you play as Captain Martin Walker, he is leader of his team of 3 which is made of also Adams and Lugo. you can order you're team to shoot things, but that is about it, i wish this game had a move here order, cause so many times the AI would do something that was not smart or not helping me at all. i played this game on the second hardest difficulty & got all the intel collectibles in one play through, and took me about just over 6 hours to complete. i would say the story is short, and this game really could have used a co-op here. but i would say the choices you have to make a hard ones and really makes you think what you should choose, this game does the choices really well, non of them really feel like, what gives me the best ending or what one makes me the most good / bad guy. i would like to say my favourite person in the single player was the Radio DJ guy, he was funny, and I'm sure at one part he was singing the troll song at me, but I'm not 100% sure about that.
this game came out in 2012, this game does not have the best graphics and i saw some really bad loading textures, but saying that the graphics are still good, yes not the best, i played way better looking games in that same year, but this is still a pretty looking game and the world that is around you looks right and nice.
the voice acting is good, i liked what they did here. the gun sounds i liked and the world sounds i liked. i can't see, well hear anything wrong with this game, but i can't really remember any music from this game, what i think is odd cause i know the music was good, it is just not music that sticks out like other games music.
The online is a hard part to get into, the high level people will own you in a unfair way, as they have better guns that will take you out in half the time you're gun will take them out in this game. but this is not saying you can't have fun, i had fun when i was losing. but i can't see anyone staying here for to long really. the single player has some replay value as you can unlock and play in the hardest difficulty, and all the intel, and redo all the choices to pick the other ones.
GAMEPLAY  7.8/10
I had fun playing this game, but the sprint covering was bad and did bug me a lot. but in the end i still had fun playing this game and i liked what this game did with the sand.

The story was really good, i liked the team, and found the DJ funny, but where this game is let down it is down to the team AI, they just did stupid things that got me killed sometimes that took me out of the game. but that is just a small thing in the game that bugs me and is being overshadowed by everything else that is done right in single player.
GRAPHICS  7.0/10
There is nothing special here, a ok to good looking game that has bad loading textures.
i liked the voice acting and i like the sounds of everything else in the world.
i can't see this games online working for most if you buy it now. i can't see me playing it online as you need to put so much time into it and losing a lot, just to get the same gear of everyone else. the single player i can see someone replying a few more times and the story there was really good.

Reason for the +0.2, is that the single player was awesome to play, i just wish it was longer then 6 hours
Final Score  8.1/10