
Tuesday 20 August 2013

Need For Speed: Most Wanted (2012) Review

Game: Need For Speed: Most Wanted (2012)
Genre: Racing
Developer: Criterion Games
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Platform(s): PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, Wii U, Xbox 360

Ok so for the people who don't know how Knights Gaming World reviews work, here is the run down. i will talk about then review 5 parts of the game and will rate each part out of 10, then add it all together and that will be the final score, but i also can add up to 1.0 or take away up to 1.0.Also Knights Gaming World will try to get Reviews out every Tuesday but if a new game comes out we will try to get that Review out on that Friday, but if not the next Tuesday.  

this is Knights Gaming World review of Need For Speed: Most Wanted (2012).  Need For Speed: Most Wanted (2012) is a Criterion Games remake of the original one that came out in 2005. This review was also done on the PS3 platform. ok so lets get down to the review.
Well it is a street racing game so the gameplay is of a racing game, but i would say it is more of a arcade racing game then a simulator racing game. i like the racing gameplay but the one thing that lets it down is the mini map, the green line that tells you where to go is on the mini map, and i have crashed so many times just looking at where to go next or missed my turning cause i was not looking at the mini map, now this only happened a few times, but when it does, you will hate the game for it.

There really is not much of a story here ? not like the 2005 Most Wanted, i feel like that game had a bit of a story but this is just a, here is a car, beat everyone else on the list and become the most wanted. to race the people on the most wanted list, you need to gain points by doing races, losing the cops, crashing other racing/cop cars and so on. Also in single player you don't buy other cars, you find them around the map, these are called jack spots, unless they are most wanted list car then the only way you can get them is by racing them, winning, then crashing them to win there car. there are many things to do in single player and if you like this game, you could spend hours with this game just trying to 100% it. but i would note it only took me 9 and a half hours to win all the most wanted races.
The graphics are really nice. the cars look beautiful, the world is nice to look at, well for the most of it, the parts where you race are nice but when sometimes you crash and go into places where you don't race, you can tell they was thinking no one would look at that part of the world.
The car sounds in this game i love, i love driving in a tunnel and hearing the sounds of the cars, they did a great job with the sounds of everything to me. but the soundtrack, is not the best to me, they do fit this kind of game and if you like the songs that is good but to me, it did feel like there was not many kinds of songs in this game and the ones they did have, to me did start to replay, like there was not many songs at all, but you can turn off the in game music by the settings and just play your own music.
The online part of this game is fun, but not a fan of all the game modes and the cars you have in single player don't carry over, online has it's own cars for you that are from single player you just have to unlock them, again. the way online is you try to have the most points at the end of all the challenges to win. the replay value in single player is a lot, by the end of my game i still had like 60+ cars to find, many many more races to do with each car, loads of billboards to find and so on, if you are someone who liked them parts of the game, there is lots of hours to spend there.

GAMEPLAY  8.8/10
The racing in this game is fun, but i was not a fan of some of the game modes in this but the racing, what is the main point of this game was fun. but the mini map and knowing where to go was a let down, why they did not put things in the road saying this way i don't know, and no the things in the sky don't count.
not having a story really is a bit of a let down, most when this is a Need For Speed game, they are known for having some kind of odd story, but i did like the most wanted races and winning them did feel great, and in the end the most wanted races was the point of the game i guess.
GRAPHICS  9.2/10
for a racing game i guess the graphics are not the best, but they are still really good, and the cars are the best part of this game and the best looking part of this game, and to me that is what matters most.

Yes the soundtrack fits the game, but not everyone wants to play this one kind of music, they should have put a lot more different songs in this game for people. but the car sounds in this game are good and you can turn the music off why still keeping in game sounds.

The online and replay value of this game is good, even with not liking some of the single player and online game modes, i can still see myself playing this game again.

the reason i give +0.3 is cause i did have fun playing this and 0.3 feels about right of a bonus score. i can't wait to see what the next Need For Speed Brings.
Final Score 9.1
A good fun game, that I would say is a must buy if you like racing games.