
Wednesday 14 August 2013

Call of Duty: Ghosts Multiplayer Reveal Highlights

Call of Duty: Ghosts Multiplayer reveal ended not to long ago and this is a list of all the highlights they said in the reveal.
They showed the Multiplayer trailer, it is about a 3 minute trailer
The things to point out in the trailer that they are shown are.
1. The Dog,
The dog is the one from the single player, I believe is a killstreak and the dog will follow you around, unlike the normal killstreak dogs that just run around.
2.Customisation For You're Soldier,
Customisation like this is new to Call of Duty and they said there is about 20.000 combinations of customisation.
3.Squads, Squads is a new thing in this game and going by what I could tell it is like character slots, you have 10 of them and each one can prestige once, prestige them all to get you're 10th prestige. but Squads also bring a new game mode where you can bring you're squad, which are AI's, and battle other people and there squad or team up with you're friends or AI's and battle a AI squad that has been made by one of you're friends.
4. Game Modes, there are 7 new game modes as well as the ones we all know.
5. The Weapons & Killstreaks,
There are 20+ new killstreaks, 30+ new weapons and a new weapon class, they also said death streaks are no more
6. Female Soldier,
You can now play as a female in this game.
That is all the main points in the trailer I could think to point out as we did not know of them before. But there was other things said on stage.
7. Runs at 60 frames per second on this gen and next gen.
8. If you buy ghost on Xbox 360 and then get it on Xbox One, all your stuff will transfer over.
9. New app adds clan chat and clan mode.
10. More perks then ever before.
11. Two Collector's Editions was revealed, one being the
Hardened Edition,
and the other being the Prestige Edition.
The Prestige Edition comes with a a full HD 1080p, water resistant, wearable camera.
Also just as a side note, the sounds in the game, sound brilliant.
That is all I could pick from the reveal.