
Tuesday 13 August 2013

Mount & Blade: Warband Review

Game: Mount & Blade: Warband
Genre: Action, RPG
Developer: Tale Worlds
Publisher: Paradox Interactive
Platform(s): PC

Ok so for the people who don't know how Knights Gaming World reviews work, here is the run down. i will talk about then review 5 parts of the game and will rate each part out of 10, then add it all together and that will be the final score, but i also can add up to 1.0 or take away up to 1.0.
Also Knights Gaming World will try to get Reviews out every Tuesday but if a new game comes out we will try to get that Review out on that Friday, but if not the next Tuesday.  

Welcome to Knights Gaming World's First Review, and i did want this one to be on a game that you can play as a Knight so Mount & Blade: Warband seems perfect. so lets get on with the Review.

This is one of them games that is kind of a easy to learn, but a hard to master game. When you fight it is like a hack and slash game. you can use a sword, bow, crossbow, polearms and so on as well as ride a horse. there are also 2 kinds of game modes, one being Battle where you and you're army fight another army, the other game mode is siege, where you attack or defend a castle or town.
The single player works like a RTS / RPG / Action Game, when you don't battle, you are in like a world map where you move around, go to places, get people to join you and buy things. you also need food, as you're army would need to eat. the fighting is just like it is in other modes and is fun to play. the RPG side is that you can level up you and you're other hero's, who you find in tavern all over the map. but there is no story at all here, there is only a goal of you aiming to rule the map and there are random people around the map who have the right yo rule but lost it and you can help them become king or queen but that is about it.
Well the graphics take a back seat here cause this is not a high budget game, and the makers picked gameplay over graphics and it does pay off, but this is the part where i talk about the graphics and for a game that came out in 2010, the same year as Mass Effect 2, Red Dead Redemption, Gran Turismo 5 and so on, it is not looking good.
The sounds are not the best but they do there job, a sword sounds like a sword for the most parts. The soundtrack is very well done, fits very well and i like the music, i could play this music to other games.
Right, now this is the main point of this game, if you ask anyone who has this game what is the best part, they will most likely say the multiplayer, the reason being is that it is just brilliant and fun to play. there are many game modes online, and going by the ones i played, it is like battle in single player. the multiplayer population may not be as strong as other games but you can still find a few good size lobby's still after all this time. The replay value also is online but you can replay the single player also to play it in a different way but i can't really see the point in that, not as much as playing this game online anyway.

GAMEPLAY  9.7/10
Not many games play like this game or are like this game at all, and that is sad cause this games gameplay is really good and it is fun.

The single player is my favourite mode to play in this game. i have spent 80 to 90 hours in that mode alone. it could of had a story but in the end i still see that i spent 80 to 90 hours so it has done something right and this game has been a lot of fun to play.
GRAPHICS  5.5/10
i can't over look the graphics, they are not good, but they are not bad just a bit boxy here and there.

The sounds do the job. but the soundtrack does it's job better.

Multiplayer alone is where a lot of the replay value is for a lot of people, and they are right it is, but the single player does have replay value to so this game has a lot to give.
Reason for the +0.5 Bonus is that i have not played a game like this before really, and i loved every minute of this game. I can't wait to see what Mount & Blade: Warband 2 brings.
Final Score 8.8
This is a must play game.